Sunday, November 16, 2008

Poor Kailey

Kailey was with her dad this weekend when I received a phone call from them. I knew something was up as soon as I heard her ringtone calling in because I usually don't hear from them all weekend. Anyways, Kailey was riding her skateboard and was on her stomach when the wheel hit the rock and she flew off the skateboard and landed on her face. Her dad was really worried because her face wouldn't stop bleeding so he took her in to have her looked at but she was fine, nothing was broke, she just got scraped up and bruised pretty bad. Something that did brighten her dad a bit when she got home was she had a birthday present waiting for her to open. Our good friends Mike and Mona couldn't make it to Kailey's party because they were at Phoenix for the Nascar race (so jealous!) so they brought over her present this weekend. Kailey was very excited! She got some cute clothes and the operation game.


Colton and Garrett said...

POOR Kailey! She looks rough today! Her and Garrett look alike today. ha ha

Colton and Garrett said...
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Trish said...

Poor thing! Good thing we heal, right??