Thursday, November 6, 2008

Parent Teacher Conference

Today we had parent teacher conference for Kailey. I knew she was doing well, so there was no worries there. Her teacher said that she is one of her top students and she is actually going to recommend her for the talented and gifted program in our school district. They would test her and interview her and then she would move to a different school that would challenge her more. I'm not sure it's the route we want to go but it's always nice to hear your child is a smart cookie... not exactly sure where she got it but glad she got brains with her good looks :) We are so proud of how well she has always done in school, and I was especially proud that her teacher had nothing bad to say about her and nothing she needed to work on. Yippee!!! Good job Kailey!!!


Colton and Garrett said...

GOOD JOB KAILEY!!! That is soooooooooo AWESOME!!! It is good you are such a smarty pants--you can get a great job and buy us all nice things!!!! ha ha