Thursday, October 23, 2008

yummy KitKat's

Kayden had another haircut today, he looks so handsome! He did really good this time and didn't really freak out as much as the other times. Yeah!

Today was also his first time trying a KitKat.. isn't he so brave? :) i'm thinking that I'll start covering veggies in chocolate and maybe he'll eat them that way...


Colton and Garrett said...

WOW!!! He is SUCH a trooper!!! Good job Kayden!!! Super cute hair!

Anonymous said...

Candy only after he will eat some fruit first. You are the firm boss no matter how he reacts. Chocolate is my #1 worst enemy as it makes me hungry for more and more. Sugar in any form is not healthy. . .but here I go displaying my own views - hoping not to step on your toes sweetheart, but concerned for the health of my family. Sending love